Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is 6.4 A Healthy Blood Glucose

When Guttenberg

WAR2 Glory, free2play, Strategy-Game, Browsergame, onlinegames, browser-based game

Homemade Sledge Ideas

The hypocrisy of inhumanity

he speaks of the rule of law -
extraterritorial camps he runs
or subordinate minions can
- as dictators in their people angry - operate
The same

he denounces the Sharia whether their barbarity
but his right is nothing but contempt
on the losing justice -
more inhumane in the guise of the right
hypocrisy in a world dominated by stupid
Dwarfs -
their barbarism than civilization misunderstand

- people starving - he
their food is burning
- his addictions wallow -

- Powerless -
watch as the stupid dwarves
the stupid giant follow

Monday, March 7, 2011

Friends Marriage Invitation Wordings

Where do we go from here? *

I'll be still
will after I have died? Or will I have
completely forgotten?

*Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

Nevermind your ego -
just a construction of your brain
in the end will count solely your love

You'd know the final answer -
Eternal Life in Boundless Love

Nonpruritic Maculopapular Rash Hiv

Dark City

Die Wirklichkeits-Constructionen
innerhalb der Normalverteilung
are for the
economic, sexual and psychological
interests of the rulers.

Do not you remember Babylon?
It will fall

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Difference Between A Cravat And A Truck

The name of the souls

The outer limit of the mundane reality defines the unity of the worlds * as autopoietic-self-referential nature, introspection inaccessible so the Collective -unconscious in their entirety.

The basal distinction of secular reality:
({[difference in rest-less from ... / rest in relatedness to loose ...] \\ [rest in loose relatedness to ... / rest in loose diversity of ...]} / None)

* system in the relativistic sense (the dual nature of the photon as [observer-dependent / independent observers} ** document the observability of the I / cmc oscillation in the boundary out to the source). 'Observer-independent
' ** on the side of the distinction, the whole result of secular reality as a meta-intelligence (superman). The other side of the distinction given dialogue situation Goddess Communications - Man is triangulated .*** ***
based on the transcendence of the Goddess in the mundane reality and set off a historic moment observable immanence is analogous, for now hypothetical, assume a "miraculous oscillation" of the distinction .

The names of the souls


Adam Lilith


Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Military bases in Germany

the contribution "Hillary Clinton calls from the information war" But

who has broken the war of the fence?

"Al Jazeera wins, the Chinese have established a worldwide multi-language television network, the Russians have opened an English-language network."

These are the countries that are not held by U.S. Unvailable, but EU, eg in Germany a lot of stationing units: Springer, Bertelsmann armies such as picture, Mirrors, RTL, Pro7 ... but also to the authorities mercenaries such as ARD, ZDF, ... the federal government and the parties ought not be forgotten. The Protestant partisans like "forward" were liquidated before about 15 years.

In Germany, the U.S. propaganda yet well-developed military bases.

"But more and more broadcasters offer alternative views on the daily happenings"

no charge, no power in the market economy and the U.S. is bankrupt, and should say as Philip, a donkey loaded with gold can also take a fortress.

6th March 2011 08:56

Actress With Smelly Feet

question is half the answer

to review "How to protect the Egyptians their revolution"

@michael.hinze: "if I'm wrong"

not you're wrong.

"suffering from rising food prices,"

The increase is also linked to the E10 our elite, the elite were once driven mad by inbreeding, or at least not today.

"we must not forget the inspiration of Tunisia"

So exactly we do not know who is the lead agency in North Africa , according to system media, the people, now what? In any case, the German people on the spot with 3 ships , igendwie you have to start , a Legion Condor " to sea.

"Did" they "are here to possible unrest?" This is part

really good for planning, eg the so-called "financial crisis" with the monitoring of money transfers has been secured, see SWIFT agreement with U.S. government, so you knew when to strike with the crisis. The above agreements shall apply in respect to the present, we are waiting for the next one.

"I do not think anyone else had a hand in it."

work without faith nothing to know the lead and provide for the faith, the media, the temple .

"Can the power of elites to or has concentrated people's power not his equal?"

One could also say: "I have a dream", we start itself, as it is in Germany or Switzerland or Austria?

respect, a question is already half the answer.
5th March 2011 13:30

Friday, March 4, 2011

Large Letter Lollipops

2 souls world

globaler Zoo
/   \
/      \
/         \
/            \
/               \
/                  \
/                     \\
/ \\
global locale
kindergarten slaughterhouses

also do not like the goddess Dice -
The game of Communication is not foreign to your

There are two souls of the people in the world
Lilith's soul and spirit Adams -
created in the beginning of man
Adam's rib and female brains

It is inhabited in the time of to create Lilith rib
a Muhammad -
on that also Lilith
alpha male May get

to Lilith, Adam
and Eve Muhammad

How Many Cigarettes Tobacco


Hello my friends!

As you might have gleaned from recent contributions already, I'm currently totally in Häkelfieber. There is simply nothing that relaxes me in recent days and weeks more! :)

I am currently working on a major project ... a crocheted blanket. So a few years ago I wanted to do, but I have never been married over it ... but now it's a start, and at my current crochet passion I am quite confident that it will be finished!

order today you also have something to look here once the yarn, I use the will (of course, are not they all, throughout the ceiling I need more, but the colors used covers the image):

And the first Einzelfleckerl are already created, which will then convert later in the composite to the ceiling:

What I'm curious to see how the final product will look like then!

I wish Have a nice weekend! :)

All the best,

Best State To Live In For Disabled Adults

Cloud computing

The strategy of the dictators and capital companies
the controller via the WWW to usurp

centralizing applications and data on
control profiled Server
decentralized organization of the WWW
to formal areas reduce
participants in turn deprive Consumenten
powerless and their self-determination

only w hen the her
foreign and self-referential Data and
have collectiviert to hold hardware
to additional Control and
monitoring options
all ABC and conventielle weapons
waived eliminated have

is a Centralisierung the
collective brain prosthesis
a sensible development

Catchy Animal Cruelty Slogan

the Western Front

to review "Robert Gates - no-fly zone is loose talk"

the Western Front

@ Götz v. Berlichingen: "The empire is tottering, and is based ultimately z . most of its nuclear power. Below this threshold is the U.S. a paper tiger of the cumbersome due to the soon swirling public opinion in the United States militarily shows signs .. impotence. "

If the United States to hear from China, "rivet", then they also make no more war, someone has to buy her flowers, finally, say something pointed, the US / NATO are only mercenaries.

The U.S. nuclear power is actually very dangerous because it has so many nuclear weapons, but the "financial world community" will see to it that the right to retain control of the weapons, as they have done in SU.

"they are preoccupied with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Both Korenga and Pech Valley district are in the Konar , Konar borders with Pakistan and China is not that far. Both valleys had to evacuate the U.S. troops, presumably to supply the not to disturb.

"That would be a success for the peace the willing." ! I have a dream "

, unfortunately, is the difference between the rule of the new world power, probably not much of the former, Master Kong is not the only teacher of the power elite:
" The essence of the strategy is in knowing when and how one uses his powers effectively. "

the third millennium, we open with the change of world powers, but "bussines as usual" or in German: "In the West, nothing new."

By the way, someone already knows who is responsible in the affairs in Nordaffrika, except of course the people?

4th March 2011 13:04, 17:41 to post second attempt.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cervical Polyp Removal In Office

The religious and pseudo-religious man

The outer boundary the secular reality
the egg shell of the soul
the religious people interested
'beyond' the egg shell is not -
he prays to the eggshell

In this respect any religion the enemy of a
living, dialogic communication with God -
due to the confusion of God and the world -
the desire for salvation and stop following in the world,
externalized the relgious man his fear
based on its transience and vulnerability ,
in projective identifications and produced -

- madness and terror - justified
fate-ignorant blasphemy
in fear of Enlightenment

the pseudo-religious man, however worldly
on the Construction of an external border
really have studied
his grip and his Heil Totaltarismen
as Capitalismus, nationalism, communism, and other
, arrested in the addiction system, Cult

not the soul
of religious and pseudo-religious people

directs his brain but his soul
imprisoned in the brain is
slave of his organs

his soul is a temple of the Eternal
and YOU suffer - with him

do not be afraid -
Because my love not
to the world your degree has
is your failure temporarily

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If the weapons

to review "The Afghanization Afghanistan"

"As it is easier and smarter to work with unmanned drones and random civilians to kill, and then express his regret.

If the weapons smarter than the Army leadership, the government and Parliament, it is determined nothing like this. Scholl-Latour has recalled some years ago that the U.S. has never won a war alone, it was never the goal of USA to win a war, the war is just a business and the wars determine the financier.

We can only feel sorry that the federal government is the German soldiers slaughtered or maimed without a discernible meaning.

third March 2011 17:03 (with minor changes to the ASR version)
ASR has rejected the contribution

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makes the F.-J. Strauss? My Top

Bets will be accepted!

Just because we copy these swindlers are now going on, that is, the CSU does not necessarily mean that we do not get back the ... Too many politicians in the CSU taught us how easy it is to be won in our State which - regardless of which affair ...

Now we come to theme:
WHEN your estimated returns of Theodore? I say once spring 2012th

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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to review "The civil disobedience of the Greeks"

privatization is only one form of expropriation of the population, PPP is one of them even on the municipal level. The task of the state, especially the Greek State and EU is more legitimate the expropriation and protected, possibly even subsidize in the form of so called rescue packages and umbrellas.


It is worth considering whether we really have any shit that the advertising would screw us, must be designed effectively, starting with fraudulent Riester pension that Bundesregirungsagenten Riester and Rürup as accomplices of Masch Mayer .

I miss have a little solidarity with the Greeks, they were by the PASOK and ND in the EU-driven € case, they have operated a sellout of national wealth, made just as the democratic parties with the East German national wealth. Let the political gangs continue to drive in the government missed, then we the same fate, Greece was just a trial run for EU , finally, as said Junker :

"We decide on something ... then we go on - step by step until there is no turning back "..

Finally: ".. There are vacuum cleaner salesman selling vacuum cleaners
insurance agents who sell insurance
Then there are representatives of the people ..."

second March 2011 18:45

Gay Cruising Spot Nnj

only to the edge of the disc's

to review "The categorical imperative - a new film by Frank Hoefer"

Oh, no, the story of plate I found great. Teller, the scientist, it's amazing that develop thinking, scientists may lack common sense and logic are fully tricked here.

WK I was led to the enmity between the peoples back, really was the reason for the war?

The uranium-Wagner concert, it's about a crime on the rank of an EU constitution. Respect for the Robin Hood Frieder Wagner, he is really "alone against the Mafia."

"we need moral politician, not a political moralist!"

That was not Schachtschneider Wagner.

After Kant:
"everyone can do what he want, but if he does not harm the other. " or the other way " What is hateful to yourself, not to the mute and another! "

Clausewitz:" War is a mere continuation of politics by other means, "although most
war is a continuation of the economic war, a global war would be only the consequence of globalization

March 2, 2011 17:11

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addendum to the Crochet Felt Bag

love cinnamon, Yvo love!

Thank you for your interest and kind comments! :)

To answer your question, I meld me right again:

first Yes, I really got the 10 skeins used up completely! If I had the go! Not expected, but then the middle of it was clear to me that not much is left. And the last bit I've overdone it on the crochet, so it does not is bad;)

second Before felting I have unfortunately not measured. But then now know ... the felted size 30 x 25 cm and is the carrying handle is about 32 cm high. I find quite pleasant so! :)

All the best,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chicken, Pasta, Velveta, Rotel

crochet and then felted bag

Hello my friends!

I've always wanted to try out how the washing machine felting works like this ...

So I worried me 10 of these balls of wool ...

did this I then opened (without instructions) crocheted a bag:

The flap was I then attached or crocheted flowers. And then went from `s in the washing machine for felting.

So, here is the final product:

debut for the test I like it quite well, and I will surely use ... summer comes, yes! :)

All the best,

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Critic of practical morality

The German policy is commercially
a German doctorate is not - although the university research
comprehensive capital of the- Men control profiled
- red-green band and EU Dictatucratie owed -

Meanwhile, the commandant of the Europeans
can distribute their black milk
in the morning, in the evening as a well-equipped even at night
with products from their factories of death
distributed to its mercenary armies

a continent to plunder
by dictators and their elite
the plundered a wet grave prepare
The camp commander ready
- Frontex as a last convoy -

The moral of the Behufe serves the Human dignity and the common good in the center to share. For you are to your created image and the kingdom of heaven is an eternal kingdom together. Although half of your race is disadvantaged high, thus destroying both lives but also to preserve, but not able to give birth, he was given a quantitative balance. This quantitative principle to make your sex organs to conducting business principle is vain, pathetic and immoral, so inhumane.

seen from Eternity
is your entire life in the world
without even a day trip -
for the reversal of dignity and morality
it is never too late

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to review "Where is Gaddafi still friends?"

Since we have one who had friends he allegedly known for a U.S. organization sogart be active in Germany was the the rule .

Because at some point come friends disguised . In addition, there a comment by John Perkins: from min 2:00.

I wonder how you have to be robust, intellectually and emotionally, to believe in this daily waste of the media and the so-called democratic election campaigns, the parties , and the economy still the majority, particularly the "silent" majority they even go to the porn arrange sightings called celebrities in BW will Mappus on the dead horse and even Well .. ride.

1. March 2011 12:38