Some things never change, or Mr. Schäuble?
In a constitutional state at all to get the idea, pirated download data ... words fail me. They are really Stasi methods. But to justify a la "we have but want to do earlier ..." clearly shows that there really is no single or plausible legal argument for this Strattat.
"By purchasing the CD, which allegedly contains bank data from 1500 German tax evaders will also the continued line of his predecessor, Steinbrück and the previous Federal Government that he had indeed itself a member as interior minister."says Schäuble and thus believes in the right. But no, what was wrong at that time is still wrong today charged and now all the more our bilateral link with Switzerland. And when I look alone, as the U.S. ausbeißt for some time, the teeth on the Swiss banking secrecy in legal ways, I must feel sorry for our government strong if you can think of no other way to plug revenue gaps.
only hope that the lawyers of the CDU / CSU test even know if illegally procured evidence in a German court be given an authorization . If so we are really back in History \u0026lt;1989 ...
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