Sunday, December 19, 2010

Como Achar Travestis Em Las Vegas.

The use of human organs democratically

to review "Kosovo Prime Minister's chief of drug and organ trafficking"

(the contribution is too big for ASR comment was posted just the beginning)

"the combination of Thaci to organized crime goes back to the year 2000 "

In the time of the attack of NATO on Yugoslavia / Serbia in early 1999 also reported that the CIA until 1998, KLA sober classified as a criminal organization, 1999 Thaçi already represented in Rambouillet Kosovo KLA-maker and was for the USA (Albright) THE partner for the preparation of the attack, a quick transformation from Saul to Paul.

This "combination of Thaci to organized crime to the year" 1998 back, probably even earlier. Consequently, but

first NATO soldiers were used (abused) to install a regime of criminals in Kosovo

second the KLA ties, control over accept the Balkan route (heroin for transport to the EU), the route begins in Afghanistan, moreover, controlled by the same Democrats and Thaci, there strength criminal who also takes care of democracy, called Karzai.

third The two wars against Serbia and Afghanistan, with the EU Herionmarkt do and both were used to form the transport infrastructure for this market.

It was at that time (1999) and in the media announced that the KLA makes her money in Germany from prostitution (trafficking) and the drug trade. The so called "Balkan route" has been served by the Kosovar and Serbian gangs.

Swiss lawyer Carla Del Ponte, was prevented from examining the top members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) " though it was just called and she fiercely pursued men like Milosevic, Karadzic, Mladic (all Serbs), the first was in his cell, had found a guest of Mrs. Del Ponte, even dead. An important question: Who has prevented the famous Carla Del Ponte Kosovar criminals investigate Thaci called "The Snake" was finally by the Serbian justice wanted for the murder? You have to go out

believe that the so-called international community, which has prepared the conquest war against Serbia with the help of Thaci, has inhibited. Moreover Thaci took shelter in front of the Serbian persecution in Switzerland and directly from Switzerland, he landed in Rambouillet, this time to the freedom fighters for Kosovo enchanted.

"the international community ignored the war crimes that the KLA has committed in the Kosovo war against the Serbs, and" set the priority instead on some form of short-term stability. "

I was in those days in Switzerland and I was added to the DRS 1 News, I need DRS confirmed unequivocally that the revelations about Thaci will have absolutely no consequences because he is a chosen and trusted partner of the so called international community and the community will continue to support him. One can say briefly be the German taxpayer Next to the institutions and heroin trafficking from Kosovo subsidize .

"The signs of cooperation between the criminal and the highest political and institutional officials is too numerous and too serious to be ignored."

And yet, even this time a WikiLeaks syndrome all know the crime, but no consequences are expected. The international community needs the Thaci in Kosovo, according to DRS I Thaci is irreplaceable, so similar to Berlusconi in Italy, both are renowned democracy finally switch to the Western title.

the margins of the excesses in Kosovo: the SPD politician Schroeder Scharping and Fischer J. Green have their share of the installation of the regime of criminals in Kosovo, the same applies to the leaders of the other participating NATO countries.

Who is still so outrageous to argue that countries have the right states, and compare them such regimes such as Belarus, Russia or China?

The above German politicians and those like Clinton, Blair, Chirac, Kouchner as accomplices of the KLA criminals would also be classified as ordinary criminals, political expediency or even here.

The Kosovars have been from the criminals by using NATO as a hostage genommen.die occupied by the Serbs and Bombentepichen additionally, the international community their agents Djindjic to Serbia has sent to this country still add.

The Serbs, konfornitiert with the actions of the international community in Croatia, a raid by the Croats and the expulsion of Serbs from Knin, finally, the structure of the KLA infrastructure to exploit the institutions of the Serbian population concern that the international community to the Serbs a new Jasenovac *) would prepare. The actions of the Serbian state against KLA-band values must be retrospectively as legitimate and necessary government action to combat crime. Towards the control of the KLA gangs the NATO war against Serbia addressed.

This closes the circle of organized crime, NATO and the international community obviously plays a big role.

Kouchner "He responded indignantly," he amused himself earlier. I would not take under the knife this doctor, this is finally a doctor knows of no limit.

*) is the Jasenovac main site of the Holocaust Serbs and other peoples, including of course Jews, which was built by the Croatian Ustasha. The estimates of victims are between 300000-700000, Jasenovac is thus in the middle of the Nazi concentration camps. During the war against Serbia In 1999, the publications of Jasenovac from the Internet (google, altavista) have disappeared almost entirely (witness El.). Milosevic, mobilized Serbs to the real threat of the new Jasenovac. To date, the Serbian Auschwitz is barely known.

posted early part 19 December 2010 18:26


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