Friday, February 11, 2011

Herpes Zoster What O Eat

"information" as a form of confusion.

to review "Al Jazeera Live Feed"

on Information

as a form of confusion ..

The range of the "information" is so huge that there is nothing that anyone would want as information. The problem is to determine if the "information" is in fact a carrier of truth, or at least of the facts is.

I was instructed in the recent past only to the Swiss news, the official Swiss media have been preparing from the beginning, the audience of the good ElBaradei, the same that the U.S. administration for the invasion of Iraq and in extortion accompanied with Iran so discreet.

ElBaradei is, according to official media, have what it takes to lead to New democracy in Egypt.

One can only hope that ElBaradei "not everything but everything else better," will do. The promise we know from the German Punch retired Gerd Schröder, of course I meant Chancellor of the "all better" implemented as Hartz IV, 1 € job, free travel for financial fraudsters (hedge funds), the "social" reforms added.

DRS has now brought about something like that, "Obama in solidarity with the Egyptian people," and so begins the brainwashing.

Interesting commentary on information .

11th February 2011 22:26 ASR has not release the article


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