Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Green Discharge With Herpes Outbreak

The counterfeiters

to review "Danish bank is 2 billion loss in"

@ Justa Basement : "If a Bank grants loans are paid more than demand deposits, it operates Geldfälscherei! " Well, our money, called Fiat money is also Counterfeit .

@ drdre : "The politicians, therefore, the agents of big business then it will again addressed. . As always gibs then, according to Merkel no alternative, "In fact, the laws of political lezten, say for better understanding, gangs CDU / CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens often" altrenative: NO "the called people's representatives in parliament presented, ie the so-called executive branch the woodfinish been requested by your client has no right to search for alternatives, the same goes for Merkel as for the 600 in parliament. Most recently the 600 as the support for the drug gangs in Afghanstan assured the perpetrators, 420 MPs . Likewise, in the case of sg 'warranties as part of a European stabilization mechanism " that offender .

9th February 2011 23:08


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