Friday, February 25, 2011

Thickness Of Washington Drivers License


to review "Merkel watscht from Netanyahu"

What to their heart's desire our little angel says: "The strong commitment to the destruction of Israel and for the right of its citizens to live within secure borders and at peace with its neighbors, is a immutable constant of German foreign policy all federal governments. This was and is, as I know, a personal heart's desire of the former Federal Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and former Federal Interior Minister Otto Schily "

Or good Westerwelle to what actually ?

other hand, after the EU (€ zone) was from the marauding gangs of "Finanaz World Community" attacked heavily, all of which have their bases and safe havens in Israel , meaning the attacks against Greece, Spain behave Portugal, Ireland, the German government do something about it, at least as safe as if she wanted to do. The budget would still be diverted to Israel and serve the airport in Gaza has as an icon, the Germans have financed the construction and the Israelis have turned him into rubble.

The situation is unclear.

"retreats in Israel" - Israel, the Jewish criminals never deliver, thus says the Israeli law.

26th February 2011 08:49

on the dead horse

@ Götz: "Since Germany has a temporary seat in the UN .. etvl.bei can vote in the near future even in alliance with other countries, something . change "

The Confucians, and they are more important than anyone, have not yet agreed to the embargo on Libya, make the weapons of the Libyan people, the unreadable character is Asian, not reported, but in Darfur, it should be in circulation. The Confucians are underestimate not agree more, until the U.S. power is transformed into the U.S. impotence, on the other hand, should the puppet masters of "financial community" in China, because no one believes in this crap about "people's" republic of the media, and that the "financial world community," the billions of $ and € provision must be pumped to China without that because they are secured by your people.

Until then, China has absorbed the $ € the double-digit growth rates, what you think, where do these growth rates ? Now we speak there from the consolidation of the internal market (also known as Russian roulette), the U.S. goes Roulette to an end. Only the U.S. agents in Germany do not have true that they ride the dead horse , the German people, otherwise they would have long ago dragged by the horse.

''the Zionists in Israel is the "ground-ass" because `` they have reached a critical mass of 6 million long ago, one would have the Chinese "people" persuaded that the project "Herez Israel co-funded, whether with the "Holocaust" succeed?

@ xabar: "The left - a social democratic party which will be reinforced in the 'democratic' game when the SPD is its ability to integrate have completely lost will. ", the Left are as much a part of the system as the CD, FD, SD, Green, and they were in all countries of the" installed financial world community ", so that channels the tools at their disposal. Marx for example, no idea of the Arbietsbedingungen, he was never in a factory, the money apparently not in the capital there is hardly about the money. The so called left, that's a dead horse.

March 1, 2011 11:37

respect for dissent

@ xabar: "You should not such nonsense about the 'capital' and write about Marx. "This is not

very respectful of one dissent, the most tolerant quickly reach their tolerance limit for the dissenters. I will not dictate what you ought to think xabar, just to think that he, if he wants.

"Engels, who himself owned a factory in Manchester"

Engels has created the conditions were. I believe that.

"3 If any of the capital money is and what his ... which is at the 'capital' of the question?"

It is mainly about "industrial capital", as it exploits the workers, the bad industrial capital, a propaganda piece on behalf of lenders. But now the industry is driven by the real capital of a real and just as exploited as the Industrial exploits the workers, he passes on the pressure. Capital is my understanding the money in a debt obligation (not necessarily in productive / industrial sector, MPSG securities "value" for capital does not matter with which it reaches its "value added" / interest) with which it can be used as leverage for extortion and other measures (see, called rescue packages, including extortion, etc.) are used as the borrower in order to get the added value.

the Marxist value we actually find in the "value added" tax again, so is the existence of the workers while circumcised, but according to the theory of Marx, the workers have Finally, an "added value" is created, then you have to (the government) to seize him, at least in part. So that my smart asses will be terminated soon, where will the government get the money otherwise. The answer is just as outrageous, he should collect for its services, such as rescue package and other excesses of this kind had to be heavily taxed, the use of infrastructure, export of goods abroad should not be exempt from the infrastructure costs at the border on the contrary.

In short, Marx's theory is useful for certain purposes, but why is he putting the cart before the horse from behind, someone understood by Marxists? And a dead horse .

I assume that xabar determined idea has what he writes, but of course only about what he knows about and what he has understood.

I do not particularly like the roar of the crowd, "Saint Hebamus Karl Marx", and St. Karl-Theodor had to make the devil's advocate, it was only hot air.

And whom already, then a .

first March 2011 18:03

The religious warriors (a few general comments, not posted at ARS)

Since tried xabar with insult to consolidate its position
"I actually have no respect for nonsense."
I can not answer to the post, on the other hand I am not offended by this aggression. His thinking is typical of the believers of Marxism, the typical religious warriors.

"In his three works on the 'capital', the fourth volume remained unfinished, he is looking more precisely how money is to finance"
as bad, unfortunately, "he puts the cart before the horse from behind, someone from the Marxists understand? And a dead horse . "to see the believers not answer.

"an insult to this great Thinker, "we say of this saint, why should the Saints be easier to insult than some sausages such as El.?

''I do not really like the roar of the crowd," Habemus Saint Karl Marx! "Even Saint-Charles Theodor had to make the devil's advocate, it was only hot air. `` without question put his work in this "great" Ministers were still in office. This is not a comparison of the intellect of the two special situations.

What Marx believers rarely know the Marxist soz-/kommunistischen states have adopted the monetary system with all the interest and compound interest, so seen, would be only a Sozkommunismus Reverse of the same capitalist coin. The faithful have a Bible but their , 2 , 3 and there is no iota to question. Marx cited also:'''The universities of Alcala, Salamanca, of Ingolstadt, Freiburg Mainz, Cologne and Trier in turn recognized the legality of the interest rates on commercial loans, the first five of these approvals have been laid down.. in the archives of the Consulate of Lyon and printed in the appendix of the Traité de l'usure et des intérêts, Lyon, Bruyset-Ponthus. " (M. Augier. "Le Crédit public etc. ", Paris 1842, p. 206) ``, a certificate apparently extends the Maxi Sten.

I do not mean to put all the work of Marx in question, many detailed analysis are still relevant today, Marx, this is a solid home-style cuisine and also useful as a trace of "value added" tax-shows. They were not designed for the people, but for the former citizens and they had to do with the infantry can not handle the proletarian has not.

It is worth mentioning that the famous quote "With appropriate profit is capital bold. Ten percent sure, and it can apply anywhere, 20 percent, it is lively; 50 percent, positive audacity; for 100 percent of it all human laws stomps on his foot, 300 percent, and there is not a crime, the risk is not even at the risk of the gallows, "which Marx is credited with coming from PJ Dunning. and is only in the "Kaptial" quoted

course, the Marxists not only that, they are ultimately only part of the system, the religious warriors operating in any political direction.. C, SD, F, Green, National, links, directions are firmly cast, no wonder so many people who think the parties are inappropriate and not representative of them, but they were not designed to do so. The basic task of the parties, the Company to divide and swipe his followers, the patterns of behavior, they assemble .

Prof. Schachtschneider, he is not a left, recalls that in the history of the Aus-/Bildung the parties meant the end of democracy . The word party has been doing this well, a party that is part of the population (usually this is only a small interest group) is opposed to the people as a whole.

The term "democratic party" with even a contradiction in terms, like "white ink", but hardly anyone bothers this nonsense.

02/02/2011 15:35


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